My story


When I was a little girl, I would tell my mom, “One day, I’ll go study


It took many years for this to happen but the dream did come true. In 2009, I left my hometown of St. Petersburg, Russia, and moved to the States to pursue a Master’s degree.

When I moved to the U.S., I thought everything would be like on TV: beautiful houses, easy life with lots of money. Then the reality hit me! The culture shock was quite intense. I was feeling homesick. The school was extremely demanding, and the language barrier ... Let’s just say, the adjustment was bumpy.

Of course, just like you, I was focusing on maintaining a high GPA along with building a new community and figuring out my day-to-day life. Obviously, the job search was at the end of my to-do list.

I believe this is exactly why so many of us, international students, delay taking actions to secure future job placement. We have so many priorities and often feel overwhelmed. On top of that, the graduation time and the job search seem SO FAR away from the present moment. For everyone, the roadmap to success will be different. You have to be prepared to take on opportunities as they come.

I didn’t get a dream position right away. I graduated in May of 2011 and started my OPT early that June. It was nothing fancy at all: lots of document scanning and copying, typical administrative job – you don’t need an MBA for that. But I was in the game and had the flexibility to actively look for other options. My hunt for a job was fierce. I composed lots of resumes and cover letters, attended many interviews and networking events, reached out to the people I knew.

All that hard work paid off. By the end of June 2011, I was offered a job in Fortune 500 companies! Yet, another dream came true – I joined the corporate world. My first corporate experience ever!

While I was advancing in my corporate life, my favorite thing to do, along with running long distances and listening to motivational podcasts, was to mentor and guide other international students on how to start their careers in the U.S. It was then when I realized I want to turn this passion into my career and make an impact. Unfortunately, I had to wait for several years to make this dream a reality.

It took almost 7 years to get my green card.

As Steve Jobs said, “You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.”

Back in 2011, I did not know how the dots would connect. But now, I am so excited to offer you the assistance I wish I’d had at the time of my student years, especially during the job search phase. Together with my team, I was able to compress a decade of international experiences, lessons learned and success stories to assist you in achieving your most ambitious professional goals and help you avoid major pitfalls on your way to success.


IStudents Community is your community, a place where you can find

guidance to meet your future employer faster. We work hard to get you

inspired and get you hired!

There is nothing more gratifying for me than knowing that my company can help you to become a thriving young professional and enter the international job market. Dreams do come true!